Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Photoshop Tutorials!

For the next few lessons we are all going to learn to use Photoshop CS6.

Use the tutorial on the 'technical help' blog. Watch the video all the way through first and then undertake each section one by one, following the man as he explains. You will need to download similar images to those he is using - for example a simple google search of 'woman with spots' should quickly produce a range of images you can use.

Remember to bear in mind size of images (to avoid pixelation) and save your work in your MEDIA folder - not on the desktop. (CGSSTORE1)

At the end of each lesson, any work you have been using on the desktop needs to go in your media folder and then in the TRASH which will need to be EMPTIED.

The guidance sheet that helps you to track your progress is here.

There will be an end of unit assessment.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Photographic Techniques Lesson

Year 10 – Photographic Techniques

IN PAIRS (or some alone if preferred – depending on computers)
You are to produce a COLOURFUL and INTERESTING leaflet for a general audience that covers the basics of how to take an effective photograph.

You should cover the key areas outlined below.

You should include example colour pictures (and black and white if required).

You must save a copy in BOTH of your folders (if working in a pair) on the MEDIA drive. Remember this is called GCSSTORE1 in the save dialogue box and you MUST include the extension  .docx  and NAME THE FILE PROPERLY – use a description and your names.

Refer to your ‘Using the computers in Media’ handout for help on finding and saving things

Use the resources below to get you started – you can obviously use those you find rather than these if you want to.

Be SUCCINCT (brief – don’t write too much) and give EXAMPLES – it is a visual skill

Composing the photo – how to set up the objects/people in the frame         
- Filling the frame
- Rule of thirds
- Using Lines and Shapes
- Edges
- Backgrounds
- Balance

Lighting – How to make good use of light

Making it interesting and artistic – using imagination

School Blogsite - http://everythingmediastudies.blogspot.co.uk

Websites - use Google but here are some to help you get started...


You can use any sites you can find that seem helpful – the Kodak site is a good place to start…

Anchorage and Cropping